We offer information, practical advice and direct support for anyone interested in cryonics. This includes:

  1. Information about cryonics
  2. Support and guidance for making cryonics arrangements with a cryonics provider and for financing the contract
  3. Self-developed and proven concept for financing a cryonics storage contract via life insurance:
    • Cryonics contract possible already at young age with small monthly fee (In case of interest please fill the questionnaire and send it to us)
    • Low-priced insurance with legally secured payment to the cryonics provider
    • Applied already multiple times and by CI und Alcor accepted insurance
    • Profit from insurance fee will be donated to Cryonics Germany to help build local readiness
  4. Help and advice on the preparation for the case of an emergency
  5. Response to emergency calls, deployment of a team for standby and organization of the cryonic suspension, incl. perfusion, until the hand-over to the final storage provider

For logistics reasons we are currently only able to offer our practical support in the area of the European Union.

We have established a detailed cryonics care concept and formed an emergency team, which is available around the clock via a central emergency number and covers all of Germany. Our equipment and methods are based on the proven setup of Cryonics UK. We also cooperate with funeral directors, thanatologists and physicians. Please contact us here if you are interested in learning more.

Mobiles Eisbad und thumper für die kryonische Erstversorgung

Mobile icebath and pressured gas driven thumper for the cryonics provision.

Successfull test of the thumper connected to a 20 liter gas bottle.


Part of our equipment for the cryonics provision.

Kühltruhe mit VM1 Perfusionslösung in verschiedenen Konzentrationen.

We have stocked VM1 perfusion solution with different concentrations of ethylenglycol for 2 to 3 cryo-perfusions in a freezer.