• 01.03.2019
    A 96-year-old cryonicist and former engineer is cryonically preserved after deanimation and transfered to the Cryonics Institute (CI) for storage in liquid nitrogen. In the morning of Sunday, February 17, he was perfused about 11 hours after deanimation. He was transfered on dry ice at -78°C from Frankfurt to Detroit 6 days later, on February 23. Afterwards the patient was further cooled to -196°C over 5,5 days and subsequently moved to his cryostat for permanent storage, on March 1.

    Before, the son of the patient had strongly supported his fathers wish for a cryonics treatment. Because of this dedication, it was possible to close a storage contract and to make sure the cryonics on-site treatment. Cryonics Germany helped with the formalities of the storage contract, performed the perfusion and organized the transfer to the USA on dry ice. More details about the process of the case can be found in the CI case report:

    The cryonics patient at lifetime.

    After arrival at Cryonics Institute.

    This was the first whole body cryonics case with a VM1 perfusion performed in Germany. The first perfusion of a cryonicist in Germany took place already in 1996 with glycerin. This substance is, however, not used anymore. Another German whole body case took place in 2007 where the patient was transfered to the USA on water ice and perfused at CI after arrival.

  • 15.01.2019: The Harvard Wyss Institute received a grant over $23 Millionen to research on mechanisms of biostasis without using hypothermia, which could also result in important advancements in cryonics.

  • 15.04.2018: Early in 2018, a video was published documenting the first whole body cryopreservation in China (Chinese with english subtitles).

  • 03.09.2017: The microbiologist Dr. João Pedro de Magalhães talks about the chances of cryonics in his presentation “Cryonics: fantasy or a bridge to the future”.

  • 12.08.2017: In an article of the TZ (in german), the cryonicist Udo Schifer is talking about his motivation for cryonics and his dream to experience the future.

Udo Schifer about his motivation for cryonics.

  • 11.04.2017: In a TV broadcast of the HR about how people handle death, also Marcus Beyer from Cryonics Germany has been interviewed. From minute 6 onwards he explains the view of a cryonicist in the documentation “Death! And then?” (in german).

  • 01.03.2017: For the first time a method is published which can improve cryopreservation of tissue by inductive heating of magnetic nanoparticles.

Scheme of the Nanoheating. Source: Science Translational Medicine

  • 18.11.2016: A 14-year old girl from the UK has fallen ill by leukemia without hope of cure and let herself make cryopreserved. In a court hearing legal permission was given to her for this procedure already before her decease. The cryonics provision, including perfusion, was performed by Cryonics UK in a hospital and the long-term storage in liquid nitrogen takes place in the Cryonics Institute.

Tanks for cryostasis for the long-term storage in liquid nitrogen at the Cryonics Institute. Source: Cryonics Institute http://www.cryonics.org

  • 12.11.2016: In Basel, an international cryonics conference takes place, organized by the swiss organization CryoSuisse. Among the speakers and participants are many international cryonics headliners from the USA and Europe as well as representatives of numerous european cryonics groups. Cryonics Germany was present with 9 members to inform about the latest developments in cryonics technologies and to discuss the future organization of cryonics in Europe
Teilnehmerfoto der internationalen Kryonikkonferenz von CryoSuisse im Nov. 2016 in Basel

Group picture of the international cryonics conference of CryoSuisse in Nov. 2016 in Basel.

  • 09.02.2016: The Brain Preservation Prize was won with a new cryopreservation technology. Researcher from 21st Century Medicine have been successfull in preserving the brain structure down to the neurons and synapses almost perfectly using a combination of cryonics and chemical fixation. That conservation could be proofed under a high-resolution electron micrsocope.

Electron microscope image of the cryonical and chemical conserved brain tissue. Source: http://www.brainpreservation.org/small-mammal-announcement/